News & Events

National Defence College

28 Nov 2022

Course Closing Ceremony 2022

The Course Closing Ceremony of National Defence Course 2022 and Armed Forces War Course 2022 was held on 28 November 2022 at Sheikh Hasina Complex, DSCSC. Lieutenant General Md Akbar Hossain, SBP, BSP, SUP (BAR), afwc, psc, G+, PhD  Comdt, NDC attended the occasion as Chief Guest.

26 Nov 2022

Graduation Dinner at NDC

The Graduation Dinner of National Defence Course 2022 and Armed Forces War Course 2022 was held on 26 November 2022 at the Army Multipurpose Complex (Banquet Hall). Lieutenant General Md Akbar Hossain, SBP, BSP, SUP (BAR), afwc, psc, G+, PhD Commandant, NDC was gracing the occasion.

6 Nov 2022

Lecture at NDC by High Commissioner of India

H.E. Mr Pranay Verma, High Commissioner of India delivered a lecture on “ Contemporary India: Its Foreign Policy, Security and Development Strategy” to ND Course on 06 November 2022.

2 Nov 2022

Lecture at NDC by Ambassador of Brazil

H. E. Mr Paulo Fernando Dias Feres, Ambassador of Brazil delivered a lecture on “Contemporary South America: Threat, Challenges and Opportunities” to ND Course on 02 November 2022.

2 Nov 2022

Lecture at NDC by Military Adviser of UNDPO

General Birame Diop, Military Adviser and Assistant Secretary-General of United Nation Department of Peace Operations delivered a lecture on “Contemporary UN Peace Keeping Operations and Challenges” to ND Course on 02 November 2022.

25 Oct 2022

Lecture at NDC by High Commissioner of Canada

H.E. Dr Lilly Nicholls, High Commissioner of Canada delivered a lecture on “Contemporary Canada: Its Foreign Policy, Security and Development Strategy” to ND Course on 25 October 2022.

29 Sep 2022

Lecture at NDC by Chief of Naval Staff

Admiral M Shaheen Iqbal, NBP, NUP, ndc, afwc, psc, Chief of Naval Staff delivered a lecture on “ Keynote Speech on Bangladesh Navy” to ND Course on 29 September 2022.

28 Sep 2022

Lecture at NDC by Ambassador of Russia

H.E. Alexander Vikentyevich MANTYTSKIY, Ambassador of Russia delivered a lecture on “ Contemporary Russia: Its Foreign Policy, Security and Development Strategy in the Context of Ukraine Crisis ” to ND Course on 28 September 2022.

27 Sep 2022

Lecture at NDC by Ambassador of Japan

H. E. Mr ITO Naoki, Ambassador of Japan delivered a lecture on “ Contemporary Japan: Its Foreign Policy, Security and Development Strategy ” to ND Course on 27 September 2022.

27 Sep 2022

Lecture at NDC by Chief of Air Staff

Air Chief Marshal Shaikh Abdul Hannan, BBP, BUP, nswc, fawc, psc, GD(P), Chief of Air Staff delivered a lecture on “ Keynote Speech on Bangladesh Air Force ” to ND Course on 27 September 2022.

26 Sep 2022

Lecture at NDC by Chief of Army Staff

General S M Shafiuddin Ahmed, SBP, OSP, ndu, psc, PhD, Chief of Army Staff delivered a lecture on “ Keynote Speech on Bangladesh Army” to ND Course on 26 September 2022.

25 Sep 2022

Lecture at NDC by High Commissioner of Australia

H.E. Mr Jeremy Christopher Courtenay Bruer, High Commissioner of Australia delivered a lecture on “Contemporary Australia: Its Foreign Policy, Security and Development Strategy” to ND Course on 25 September 2022.