
National Defence College

05 June, 2024

Sierra Leone, Zambia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Maldives delegation team visited NDC

A high level foreign delegation team visited National Defence College (NDC) and called on Commandant, NDC on Wednesday, 05 June 2024. The delegation was headed by following delegates from respective countries:

a.         Lieutenant General Peter Kakowou Lavahun, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Sierra Leone Armed Forces.

b.         Brigradier General Heon Mwilu, Commandant, Military Training Establishment, Zambia.

c.         Brigradier General Naif Awadh A Almutairi, Deputy Commandant, King Abdul Aziz Academy, Royal Saudi Armed Forces, KSA.

d.         Colonel Ahmed Shamin, Head of Military Instructions, College of Defence and Security Studies, Maldives.